Monday, December 17, 2012

Gone Fishing....

The Mean Nurse is taking a day off, but we'll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy these peony blooms from my mother's summer garden....

Friday, December 14, 2012

Do You Do Too Much for Others?

I almost didn't write a blog today. Yesterday I did too much for others and am paying the price today. I'm achy. I'm bitchy. And all I want to do is curl up with a book in the corner of the couch, drink my morning cup and wrap barbed wire the space. I'd like to hurl my laptop and phone into a flaming pit of death, but then I'd simply have to program new ones, and we all know how long that shit takes!

My DODTMFO (day of doing too much for others) wasn't confined to one person. Everyone had equal footing on my last nerve, and no one was mean, bitchy or even asking for too much. They just asked all at once. And that's when the DODTMFO sneaks up on you. It happens to everyone.

SO. WTF can be done about this?

One tiny little thing. That can turn into a big thing for many people.


In the thick of it, just stop. Don't flippin' argue with me and start whining about why you can't. I'm the mean one, remember?

So cut it out. And stop.

Imagine for a moment, that at the very moment you stop, that you've had a heart attack and must be rushed to the hospital. Imagine the scene after you are on your way. What would the people around you do? How would your work, your chores, your duties, be carried on? They'd go on, right? The world would keep turning, and people would manage to pick up the slack, and maybe adjust a deadline or two. People would just have to deal. Magically, papers would be filed, customers would receive their orders, someone would run to the store for milk, kids would get the posterboard for their project. Okay. So now.....

..... take a beat.

For yourself.

When those DODTMFOs creep up, and you "think" you cannot possibly take time out to eat lunch, go to the bathroom, take 10 minutes for yourself, I know you can.

If not, there's a better chance that you'll meet me, or one of my nurse colleagues.... in the ER.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Do You Have a Cold or the Flu?

Sometimes it's tough to know whether you have a bad cold (there's a good kind?) or the flu, so here's a quick fact sheet:

A Cold
  • No fever, or a low-grade fever (less than 101°F)
  • Maybe a sore throat and/or a mild headache
  • You're tired, but you can manage your day to day activities
  • It comes on gradually, over the course of a few days
The Flu
  • A fever of 102°F or more
  • Body feels like you've been by a Mack truck
  • Very tired, difficult or impossible to get out of bed
  • Maybe a feeling of dizziness or need to hang onto furniture if you do manage to get up
  • Starts suddenly
  • Kicks your ass!
If you do develop the flu,
  1. Please don't go to work
  2. Get someone to go to the store for you if you need anything, please stay out of the public.
Read: Kicking Colds, Flu, and Sinus Infections for quick, easy, and natural remedies to feel better fast using products you probably already have at home.

Feel better!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Kicking Colds, Flu and Sinus Infections

I'm prone to sinus infections. I live in the Midwest, and the weather here will almost always give me at least one of those damn things a year. I hate them and have developed a method that kicks a sinus infection's ASS. I do this every time I get one, and by the next day, I may look tired, but I'm not sick. The pain in my sinuses is gone, and I don't have to be miserable at work or confined to my couch. The following steps also work for colds or the flu, although with the flu, your symptoms may last a little longer. I usually kick that within 48 hours though.

First, you have to keep your nutrition up to fight the damn thing. You may not feel like eating, may not be able to taste anything, but the nutrition part must be done. NOOOOO DAIRY PRODUCTS ALLOWED. Dairy produces more mucus, let's not keep fighting the same fight, okay? No effing dairy until you've kicked this mother. You don't have to sit down to a feast and there's the whole "don't feed a fever" thing, but how else are you going to support your immune system. It's got to have something to work with.

Two, hot fresh-squeezed lemonade -- it's crucial. Fresh lemons have more Vitamin C than oranges. A Vitamin C tablet just won't do. Get the good stuff. Use honey or agave nectar, whatever. Skip the white refined sugar, we're trying to get your immune system energized. TWO CUPS of fresh hot lemonade, spaced out, say 6 hours apart or so. To really KICK up the remedy, sprinkle cayenne or chili powder on top of the beverage and be prepared to use a lot of tissues. This will open up your sinuses so they drain.

Three, VICKS or any type of vaporub -- just a small dab on your finger, placed at the base of each nostril. WASH YOUR HANDS after applying it, don't make a mistake I've made and forget and then rub your eye or something. You'll howl!

Four, if your throat is sore, take a tablespoon of honey or REAL maple syrup. Don't wash it down with anything, just eat it. Repeat as necessary to soothe the throat.

Five, whatever you can eat, throw garlic into it. Lots. Garlic is a natural germ killer/disinfectant.

Six, if you're coughing, use the vaporub on your chest.... read the label, it's a cough suppressant. Put the vaporub on your feet and put socks on -- yes, it really works.

Lastly, a shot or two of warm brandy or whiskey before bed -- but ONLY for adults. This is not a kid or teen remedy. Go to bed, put socks on your feet, get under the covers. Be prepared to sweat.

This isn't so much a remedy for colds, flu or sinus infections as it is an assault. If you do all of these things, you'll kick it faster and won't have to rebuild your immune system after taking a round of antibiotics. You'll actually support your immune system and get it to kick the offending germs itself.

As with any advice, I'm not a medical doctor, I'm a nurse who is simply repeating remedies that have worked for me and my family for years. If any of the above contradicts advice given to you by your physician, or if you're unsure of medication interactions and contraindications, check with your doctor before following any of the above steps.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Saving Healthcare Costs Through Medical Tourism

The next time you’re faced with a major medical procedure, but worried about the cost, you might consider medical tourism. Imagine saving tens of thousands on a CABG (coronary artery bypass graft), or simply cardiac bypass.

Once upon a time, medical tourism was considered something that only the wealthy did, but in 2012 an estimated 600,000 will solve their medical problems in other countries, and that number is predicted to grow by 15 to 20 percent as baby boomers age. A survey conducted by Patients Beyond Borders (a medical travel company) revealed that in 2011 a CABG could be performed in the United States for roughly $88,000. If you flew to India, you’d pay $9,500. You could travel back and forth to India several times and not eat up the nearly $78,000 or so in savings.

What to know more? In addition to Patients Beyond BordersIndUSHealth is also a medical travel program provider for patients and employer health care plans. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Green is the New, Better Workout

Did you know that the color GREEN can improve the quality of your workout? It's not just about taking your workout outside, it's also surrounding yourself with that color that simply makes the workout better, according to researchers at the University of Essex. Read more at the Huffington Post.