Thursday, December 13, 2012

Do You Have a Cold or the Flu?

Sometimes it's tough to know whether you have a bad cold (there's a good kind?) or the flu, so here's a quick fact sheet:

A Cold
  • No fever, or a low-grade fever (less than 101°F)
  • Maybe a sore throat and/or a mild headache
  • You're tired, but you can manage your day to day activities
  • It comes on gradually, over the course of a few days
The Flu
  • A fever of 102°F or more
  • Body feels like you've been by a Mack truck
  • Very tired, difficult or impossible to get out of bed
  • Maybe a feeling of dizziness or need to hang onto furniture if you do manage to get up
  • Starts suddenly
  • Kicks your ass!
If you do develop the flu,
  1. Please don't go to work
  2. Get someone to go to the store for you if you need anything, please stay out of the public.
Read: Kicking Colds, Flu, and Sinus Infections for quick, easy, and natural remedies to feel better fast using products you probably already have at home.

Feel better!

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