I almost didn't write a blog today. Yesterday I did too much for others and am paying the price today. I'm achy. I'm bitchy. And all I want to do is curl up with a book in the corner of the couch, drink my morning cup and wrap barbed wire the space. I'd like to hurl my laptop and phone into a flaming pit of death, but then I'd simply have to program new ones, and we all know how long that shit takes!
My DODTMFO (day of doing too much for others) wasn't confined to one person. Everyone had equal footing on my last nerve, and no one was mean, bitchy or even asking for too much. They just asked all at once. And that's when the DODTMFO sneaks up on you. It happens to everyone.
SO. WTF can be done about this?
One tiny little thing. That can turn into a big thing for many people.
In the thick of it, just stop. Don't flippin' argue with me and start whining about why you can't. I'm the mean one, remember?
So cut it out. And stop.
Imagine for a moment, that at the very moment you stop, that you've had a heart attack and must be rushed to the hospital. Imagine the scene after you are on your way. What would the people around you do? How would your work, your chores, your duties, be carried on? They'd go on, right? The world would keep turning, and people would manage to pick up the slack, and maybe adjust a deadline or two. People would just have to deal. Magically, papers would be filed, customers would receive their orders, someone would run to the store for milk, kids would get the posterboard for their project. Okay. So now.....
..... take a beat.
For yourself.
When those DODTMFOs creep up, and you "think" you cannot possibly take time out to eat lunch, go to the bathroom, take 10 minutes for yourself, I know you can.
If not, there's a better chance that you'll meet me, or one of my nurse colleagues.... in the ER.
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